Section 1. Name:
The name of the Association shall be “Association of Bangladeshi Engineers of Ontario” and hereafter shall be called “the Association”.
Section 2. Aims and Objectives:
The Association shall be a non-profit and non-political organization. The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:
(a) Professional Development;
(b) Technical Information Exchange;
(c) Professional Support/Guidance for obtaining Professional Engineer’s status in the province of Ontario;
(d) Technical Co-operation with technical Institutions in Bangladesh and other similar organizations; (e) Recreation and Social Interaction among the members and their families.
Section 3. Head Office:
The Head Office of the Association shall be located in the greater Toronto Area in the Province of Ontario. Branch offices may be established anywhere in the Province of Ontario with approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Seal:
The Association shall have a corporate seal.
Section 5. Membership:
(a) Associate Member: Any Bangladeshi Student in Undergraduate Engineering or Architect Any University or institutions, living in the Province of Ontario.
(b) General Member: Any Bangladeshi Engineer or Architect who have received a B.Sc Engineering degree or equivalent offered by Any University or institutions, living in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Members of All Alumni of University in Bangladesh will be approved by default as General Member of ABEO. No membership fees.
(c) Member: Any ABEO’s Registered General Member(a) is eligible to become an Member with payment of prescribed fee, subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this Constitution. Members of the ABEO shall be entitled to vote for electing members of the Board of Directors of the ABEO and shall be entitled to such other privileges as may be provided for in this Constitution.
Application for Member of the ABEO shall be made by the General Members by filling out the prescribed form and submitting the same physically to the office of the Director-General Membership or electronically or through the ABEO website along with payment of annual membership fees. If any such application is assessed by the Board of Directors being not acceptable, the fee(s) so deposited will be refunded without any deduction.
Annual membership fee shall preferably be paid by 31st January in advance for the year of each calendar year. A member, who fails to pay his/her annual membership fee for any given year, shall pay all arrears at their earliest opportunity to continue retaining their respective Active Membership of the ABEO.
(d) Life Member: Any Member or General Member shall be eligible to become a Life Member of the ABEO subject to the acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in the Constitution and upon payment of an amount of C$ 200.00 at a time
(e) Life Members of the ABEO shall be entitled to vote for electing members of the Board of Directors and shall be entitled to such other privileges as may be provided for in this Constitution.
Section 6. Rights and Privilege:
All regular and life members will have equal rights and privilege, in the Association regardless of their colour, sex, religion, qualifications, institution where the degree is obtained, length of professional experience etc.
Section 7. Tenure of Membership:
Tenure of membership (Member) shall be on an annual basis from January 01 to December 31 of each year.
Section 8. Suspension & Removal From Membership:
A member may be censured, suspended or expelled from the Association for participation or involvement in any activity detrimental to the interest of the Association on recommendation of the Board of Directors by approval of al least two-third of the total membership present in a general meeting.
Section 9. Dues:
Annual membership fee is non-refundable, payable by 1st January of the year the 30th December each calendar/fiscal year. The fee is fixed at $10.00 per year If the membership fee is not paid within this specified time period, a late fee, at the discretion of the board, shall be imposed The Board of Directors will decide the amount of annual membership fee. The amount of fee shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors once in two year term and shall not require approval of two third of total membership present in a general meeting to make any change. However, any change in the membership fee shall be effective from the following calendar/ fiscal year.
Section 10. Default:
An individual automatically ceases to be a member if he/she fails to renew his/her membership by 31st April following year. The membership may be reinstated upon payment of fee for that year.
Section 11. Annual And General Meeting:
At least one general meeting shall be held in each year. The board of directors shall give notice in writing to all members in good standing, informing the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting.
Section 12. Requisition of a Meeting:
Written requisition to the board of directors by more than half of the total membership in good standing shall be required for requesting a general meeting to consider such matter as requested in the requisition letter. The board of directors shall there upon send out the notice of General Meeting not later than 20 days after receipt of such request.
Section 13. Meeting & Quorum:
A quorum for a General meeting shall be one-third of the regular members present in the membership list (valid member). At all other meetings, unless otherwise stated, every issue shall be decided by a simple majority. The president shall have tie vote in case members are evenly divided.
A board meeting could be called by Director Administration or any officer designated by the board. Calling any meeting of Board needs the support of the majority of the board members. A scheduled board meeting cannot be cancelled or postponed by any officer without the consent of the majority of the Directors. In any Board meeting 51% majority of the directors should be present to make any decision. Any Board meeting must generate a Minute and the Minutes of the Board meeting must be circulated among the board members within 7 days of the meeting and must be available to all the board members.
Section 14. Organizational structure:
14.1 Board of Directors: The affairs of Association shall be managed by a board of directors. The Board of directors shall operate, manage and supervise the general affairs of the Association. It is the supreme decision making body of the Association.The Board shall also execute the policy decisions approved in a general meeting.
Section 14.2 Number of Directors:
The Board shall consist of Thirteen (13) members to fill the following functional positions. The members of the board shall appoint officers from the elected/selected, positions or portfolios amongst themselves under the leadership of the Chief Election Commissioner. The Chief Election Commissioner will conduct the election/selection/appointment process in a fair and impartial manner, and he will not have any voting right in the appointment process. The Chief Election Commissioner will conduct election within December of last year of the terms. The portfolio of newly elected board of directors will be declared by the outgoing President. Such election/selection process and declaration shall be arranged and conducted jointly by the outgoing President and Election Commissioner within 7 days of declaration of the results of main election of the directors.
Every officer remain in his/her position as long as he/she carries the confidence of the majority of the directors of the board.
- President
- Vice-President
- Director-Administration
- Director-Finance
- Director-Professional development
- Director-Professional membership
- Director-Employment Guidance
- Director-General Membership
- Director-Publicity and Communication
- Director-Cultural Activities
- Director-Social Welfare and recreation
- Director-Youth & Children Affairs
- Director Special Assignment
In addition to the board of directors, there shall be nine (9) Executive Committee Members selected by the board to perform special assignments. The board may include some members with executive committee members to form sub committees to carry out special tasks.
Section 15. Patrons:
An advisory board consisting of five Patrons shall be selected by the Board of Directors to oversee the activities of the Association and advise on matters considered appropriate for the Association.
Section 16. Elections And Terms:
(a)The election for the positions of the Board of directors shall be held every two years. All the existing directors shall be eligible for re-election on expiry of their terms. An individual seeking nomination for the position as a member of the board of directors must be endorsed by at least two members in good standing.
(b)Amendment 2009. The time limit of service of the President will be limited to two terms. A Member of the Board of Directors will not be eligible to hold the office for more than three consecutive terms.
Section 17. Election Commission:
Three months before the expiry date of the terms of the Board of Directors, the Board shall nominate a three-member election commission headed by an Election Commissioner from the members. The members of the election commission shall not be eligible for election as a member of the board of directors.
17.1 Function of the Election Commission:
The function of the election commission shall be as follows:
(a) Notify the date, time and place of the election; Election commission may, at their option, decide for conducting the Election under Postal Ballot, if the election commission is convinced unanimously (all three members must be of the same opinion) that the voting process is possible under postal balloting without facing any hindrances or to avoid any conflict among the contestants or the members or to avoid any conflict among the contestants or the members or to avoid any conflict among the contestants or the members or to facilitate the election process by any other means.
(b) Communicate and implement the rules and procedure of the election process;
(c) Verify, authenticate and display the voters list;
(d) Entertain and validate nominations;
(e) Conduct election in a fair and impartial manner;
(f) Declare the election results and maintain a list of total candidates and voting records; and
(g) Preside the changeover of the administration.
17.2 Terms of Reference of Election Commission (g)
a. The Board will designate a representative in communicating with the EC.
b. The EC will conduct the election as per declared schedule decided by the Board and the EC and based on the voter list to be submitted by board.
c. Under any possible exigency situation, any change of the declared schedule of the Election must be done by the EC in concurrence with Board.
d. The voter list shall be published by the board 30 days before the date of the election.
Section 18. Safeguard of Funds and Other Valuables:
Cash, cheques, and other valuables of the Association shall be deposited for safe keeping in a Bank or in any other financial institution in Ontario selected by the Board of Directors. For withdrawal of fund or issuance of cheques, co-signatures of any two of the following members of the Board shall be required: (a) President (b) Vice-President (c) Directors, Finance.
Section 19. Responsibility of the Board Members:
19.1 President: The President shall preside over all the meetings and shall be responsible for the general operation, management and supervision of the business and other affairs of the Association as decided in the Board of director’s meeting. (g)
19.2 Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in his/her day-to-day activities and shall assume the responsibilities of the in absence of the President.
19.3 Director, Administration: The Director, Administration shall be responsible for the co-ordination of programs and activities undertaken by the Board of Directors. He/she will be the custodian of all books, documents and the seal of the association.
19.4 Director, Finance: The Director, Finance shall maintain the records of all receipts and disbursements of funds. He/she will be responsible for the preparation of annual budget.
19.5 Director, Professional Development: The Director, Professional Development shall provide guidance for professional development facilities available and organize seminars, courses etc.
19.6 Director, Professional Membership: The Director, Professional Membership shall provide guidance to new members regarding obtaining license of the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario and the Ontario Association of Architects.
19.7 Director, Employment Guidance: The Director, Employment Guidance shall provide guidance for entering the Canadian job market.
19.8 Director, Membership: The Director, Membership shall be responsible for inviting, enrolling and maintaining an updated record of all members.
19.9 Director, Publicity and Communication: The Director, Publicity and Communication shall maintain public relations with the media and other external organizations.
19.10 Director, Cultural Activities: The Director, Cultural Activities shall organize cultural and social activities.
19.11 Director, Social Welfare and Recreation: The Director, Social welfare and recreation shall organize recreational activities and provide services for the general well being of the members.
19.12 Director Youth & Children Affairs: The Director, Youth & Children Affairs shall organize Youths and children of the Members for recreational activities and provide services for the general well being of the children.
19.13 Director Special Assignment: The director Special Assignment shall carry out the activities assigned to him by the board of directors.
Section 20. Dissolution:
With sufficient reasons requiring winding up or dissolution of the Association, the Board of directors shall call a general meeting. To dissolve the Association, at least 50% of the total members in good standing must be present and consent of 75% of the members present shall be required to dissolve the Association. In the event of winding up or dissolution, no member shall be entitled to any assets. All the assets shall be donated to similar professional organizations with similar and objectives, after payment of its debts.
Section 21. Audit:
Every year the books of the Association shall be audited by an internal (f) auditor appointed by the Board of Directors. The annual audit report must be presented to the Annual General Meeting.
Section 22. Amendments:
Amendments to the Constitution can be proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by simple majority vote of the Board of Directors present in the board meeting. Any member in good standing may propose to amendment this constitution with justification in the Annual general meeting.
The proposed amendment, requiring such vote, will not become effective unless and until such proposed amendment is approved by a simple majority of vote in the Annual General Meeting of the ABEO, Canada.
In case of any urgent situation, the Board of Directors may change any part of the constitution to resolve the issue and that change must be ratified by the next Annual General Meeting (or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting) of the ABEO. Board of Directors will not be held responsible for this kind of change as long as it is voted by three quarters of the Board of Directors, and subsequently ratified by the next Annual General Meeting (or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting) of the ABEO.
Section 23. Co-Option of Board Members:
In case of any of the following situations the existing board may fill-up the position of director(s) by co-option from among the Executive Members of the Association provided that such co-opted members shall not exceed one-third of the total member of Positions in the Board: